Pathways to Success Program

About the Program

Our Pathways to Success program is dedicated to empowering youth to achieve their full potential through education, career readiness, and community leadership.

Our Goals

College and Career Preparation

Cultivating Leadership Skills

Meet the
Adopt-A-Family Team

Mina Hashem 

Program Manager 
Adopt a Family Program

Lailey Hashem

Project Coordinator |
Refugee Integration Director

Swita Omari

Program Coordinator
Adopt a Family Program

Meena Saber 

Project Coordinator
 Adopt a Family Program |
Men’s Digital Literacy

Zainab Hashem

Project Coordinator
Adopt a Family Program | Reading Buddies | Tax Credit

Shamsurahman Shams

Senior Project Coordinator
Adopt a Family Program |
Mens Digital Literacy | Legal Services


Our Offerings


Adopt-a-Family Ambassadors

The Adopt a Family youth ambassador is the main point of contact for a refugee family to help ease their transition into the new community. Youth Ambassadors will focus on the refugee’s English acquisition, socialization of American Culture, guidance toward community resources, as well as integration into the local community. Commitment of 4-5 hours a month.

  • Community Navigator

    • First point of contact for assigned refugee families 

    • Help guide families towards community resources

    • Answer any questions 

    • Respond/escalate any need requests to project coordinator or case manager


    • Reaching out to community to create network for the adopt a family sponsorship

    • Coordinate assistance as needed 

    • Coordinate family sponsorships

    • Assist in food drives, booths, fundraising, events, etc

    Family Engagement

    • Coordinate activities with assigned families monthly

    • Build relationships 

    • Build Trust

    • Monthly check-ins with assigned families

    • 1 year of community engagement experience

    • Be in the age ranges or 14-26 (candidates under 18 years of age will need a parent to co-sign as well as attend all trainings)

    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

    • Excellent interpersonal skills

    • Excellent time management skills 

    • Ability to prioritize tasks and to delegate them when appropriate.

    • Bilingual (a plus)

    • Position is until June 2024

    • $500 Stipend at the end of term 

Reading Buddy Program

Are you a Reader enthusiast and looking to empower other members of the community?  Sign up to become a Virtual Reading Buddy Volunteer and mentor!  

  • What: The “I Have A Dream” Foundation of Boulder County (IHDF) and the Muslim Youth For Positive Impact (MYPI) organization are excited to renew a reading buddy partnership. We are looking for volunteers ages 16+ to become Reading Buddies and empower youth. The volunteers will be paired with Elementary Aged students in grades k-6.

    Why: The purpose of this partnership is to connect Afghan refugee students who recently arrived in the United States with more exposure to the English language through conversation and read-alouds. This program is an opportunity for you as a youth to develop your leadership skills, reading skills, and cultural awareness and appreciation. Additionally, this program will allow you as a volunteer to integrate your volunteering skills and develop a love for community engagement. 

    As a volunteer you will be required to attend a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training to learn more about Afghan culture and customs, and important information to guide your reading buddy sessions.

  • Once you sign up you will be paired with a local student of the same gender and your preferred age group to read to them One or Twice a week for 30 minutes sessions (the number of times per week is based on your interest). During the sessions you are expected to engage in a brief exchange of greeting, and check in, then introduce the book, topic you are reading. You will then engage in at least 20 minutes reading session and possibly engage the student/mentee with a conversation about what you had read to them. (keep it fun and light. This is not an assessment but rather an opportunity for your mentee to develop language skills and confidence in expressing themselves in English).

    The reading sessions run for 30 minutes either from 5:00-5:30 PM or 5:30-6:00 PM on days you select Monday-Thursday.

  • Where: These reading buddy sessions will take place remotely. Our preferred tool will be zoom or Whatsapp video chat. (Once you are matched with a student, you will receive their contact info to schedule the sessions and begin the program).

    When: We are asking that you select your most preferred day and time to read with your buddy. Please select your most available times and days and NOTE that you can have more than one mentee/student to read with if you choose to. The program will run Monday through Thursday between 5:00-6:00 pm for a 30 minutes session. More details in the questions below!

    Be Part Of The Impact!
    If you have any questions, please email: 

Legal Clinic

We are currently seeking committed high school / college youth with experience or interest in the legal field.

  • Support the Muslim Community with Legal Immigration support.  This is a volunteer position and training will be available. Amazing experience

  • Enthusiasts and interested youth to help run legal clinics and workshops related to immigration law.

  • Up to 5 hours / week support to run workshops, clinics and legal support to the legal team.

    *Priorities are given to youth who are already in the field of law or wanting to get into that field so they get that exposure and experience.  But do not hesitate to apply if you are passionate and interested in helping and learning. 

  • Clinics will be on Saturdays beginning in May (1st clinic is scheduled for Sat, May 13th)

Food Relief

MYPI’s Adopt-A-Family has been working with other local organizations to provide our community with monthly food drive-ups. These food drive-ups help in different locations around the Denver Metro Area. MYPI has been able to help hundreds of family get access to groceries with these Food Drives.

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